My Big Girl Birthday Party

A few weeks ago, I had a birthday. It was one of those big ones, y’know, like 16 (driving age), 18 (voting age), 21 (legal drinking age), 25 (cheaper insurance age), 30 (leaving your 20s behind age)… You get the picture. All I asked of my sweetie, my sister, and my best friend who co-hosted the party was that there be no over-the-hill insinuations. My sister assured me there was nothing “over-the-hill” about this party theme! (Click on photos to enlarge)

You see, I wasn’t the only one to turn 40 this year, the Hungry Caterpillar did, too! I’ve always loved this book, the colors of Eric Carle’s artwork, and the story. On the door to my sister’s house was a sign with images of the caterpillar (and butterfly) that read “40 is fun! 40 is young! 40 is beautiful!” And my sister and niece made that fabulous cake and butterfly cupcakes…

My best friend made frosted flower sugar cookies (my faves!)
and brought me a vase of 40 long-stem roses!

She also made these amazing invites:

My sweetie gave me a dozen roses, as well, and my 4-year-old nephew brought me a single red rose…53 roses at once….L-O-V-E-L-Y!

There was great food (inspired by the book, of course!), great company, most of my family made it to the party, and lots of friends, including one college friend I have not seen since April 2000!!!!

We played Pictionary with clues my sister came up with, including bonus points for 1969 themes and “Doris Fave” clues…

and kept the little ones busy with their own “Pictionary” board…

In lieu of gifts, the hosts asked everyone to bring that I could put into a quilt to remind me of all those who helped me celebrate my 40th birthday. Everyone did a fabulous job selecting fabrics…my brothers even went to quilt shops for me!! The “guest book” was squares of fabric that everyone signed to go into the quilt. The quilt design is still in my head…but I have a grand idea…

My loved ones did a wonderful job of making this such a memorable and special birthday for me, I had no angst whatsoever about the “big number” attached to the day, and I truly could not have asked for a better celebration…this is one HAPPY birthday girl:

Everyone should be so lucky to have a birthday like this!

9 thoughts on “My Big Girl Birthday Party

  1. You lucky lady! Sounds like the planners did a great job connecting the party to your quilting, with the presents and the signatures. Looking forward to seeing what you do with all of it. I think I'd add some fabric with roses, to remember all those beautiful long stems you got.
    Happy Belated Birthday!

  2. What a swell party that was! I love the cake, the fabric and the whole idea; what a thoughtful, loving family you have, Doris. Belated birthday wishes to you, Doris, from your FRIEND in Oz.

  3. Oh my goodness, happy belated birthday! I love the birthday party decorations – perfect for a 40 year old. Oops, I said it! I can't believe YOU'RE 40! Darn, that means I'm older and I don't like being older. (only by about 8 months) Hope you had a wonderful celebration!!!!

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