Week One Creative Clips

My creative accomplishments, week one, 2009:

This is a block for Kim, the first month of Sew Connected 2, my virtual quilting bee. I call it “Blue Hawaii” because that’s what I see in it. Must be the palm like batik and the one tropical floral batik… I almost did not have enough fabric for her 12.5″ block, and that dictated the choice of an improvisation style rather than a traditional block design, but I really like it!

I hope Kim likes it too! I also finished the Winter Wonderland Table Runner, first blogged about on 12/31/08
Terrible photos, but it is winter in Iowa, what can I say…

I love the striped binding, it makes the design. This is a runner of my own design, like the Jolly Holly Table Runners I made for Christmas. I finished this at my friend Michelle’s house the other night. I’m used to Maggy (my cat) immediately curling up on any fabric item I set down for more than 3 seconds. But, Michelle doesn’t have a cat. When I finshed the binding, I set it on the floor next to me to retirieve my camera. When I returned, not four minutes later, people, and I found this…

Not to worry, if you are the winner of the table runner, it has already been washed, post doggy bed use.

How are your creative exploits for 2009 coming along?

8 thoughts on “Week One Creative Clips

  1. You have been quite productive already this first week in January. Cool quilt blocks! I especially love that wintery table runner. I am halfway finished with making a table runner with your pattern for Valentines Day, which I hope to show soon.

  2. Hi, Doris! You already know how much I like Kim’s quilt block:)Your table runner turned out really pretty–love the colors! I love the photo of your friend’s dog making himself comfortable–it’s really cute!

  3. Oh, what a cutie (your golden). I love the block and the runner. You did a great job.I cannot put any fabric on the floor as our dog always thinks it is his blanket!

Let me know what you have to say on the subject....