Goals for 2009

Thank you all for your lovely comments on my Winter Wonderland table runner—205 on that post alone! I really like this one and am going to have a difficult time packing it up and sending it away!

I enjoyed reading all of your resolutions–okay, we’re going to call them GOALS, since people don’t seem to like the word resolution anymore–they were entertaining and inspiring all at once! Many of them coincided with mine. Here’s a quick rundown…

Y’all want to get healthier,
be more patient,
be present in the moment,
be grateful,
exercise more,
push yourself a little further,
put yourself first once in a while,
create more,
pray daily,
have more family quality time,
use up your fabric stash,
buy less new fabric,
hone your machine quilting skills,
your applique skills,
your sewing skills,
teach someone to sew (Love this one!)
finish UFOs,
focus on one project at a time,
pay it forward,
be more financially responsible,

and one of my very favorites (that has been added to my list of goals):

complete one gift per month to get a jump on my handmade holiday. GREAT IDEA!

That’s a pretty impressive list, folks, and what better people we will be for striving for those goals!

So, without further adieu (or babble, as some may see it…) I give you the winner of the Winter Wonderland table runner….drumroolllllllllllllllllll……….

Pat from Silver Thimble Talk! She has the funniest post on December 29th about an exploding bag of dogfood…seriously funny! Congrats, Pat…I hope you love it as much as I do!

For the rest of you, leave a comment with an email if you would like the pattern to make your own. I’d be more than happy to send you a free pattern as a consolation prize. Let’s focus on those goals and have a fabulous 2009!!!!!

24 thoughts on “Goals for 2009

  1. I would like to receive a consolation prize. I am the one that was gonna teach my hubby to sew. He Made a baby robe. He mastered the straight stitch and did not like curve stitching and clipping the fabric. He now wants to attack a quilt. YAYcrangellaw@yahoo.com

  2. Thank you so much for your generosity in both the giveaway and the consolation prize! I would love to have a copy of the pattern. Newbie, but trying hard!ssnamurray at gmail dot com

  3. This is a great list of “goals.” Congrats on the popularity of your table runner! I’m almost done with mine, but ran out of the border fabric so I had to change it a little.

  4. Congratulations to Pat!! SHe is a lucky woman. I missed the original post, but I backtracked and read it. What a story. Great resolutions–I may have to add some to mine. Great idea about gift a month. I am new to quilting, but I would love a copy of the pattern. I would like to do one for my house for next year. Really cute. THanks!!

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